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Forced Orgasms - A Word From the Orgasm Guy

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Forced Orgasms - A Word From the Orgasm Guy

Another expert we touched base with was Switch Jake. He teaches classes on forced orgasms in both the BDSM and vanilla contexts. We got his expert take on forced orgasms.

In your experience, what is a “Forced Orgasm”?

The tagline for the class I teach explains it best: giving someone as many orgasms as they can stand, and then five more.

What do you do to remain safe with this type of play?

Safety varies depending on the toy, the furniture used for restraint (if any), and other factors. For example, if using a Hitachi wand on someone tied to a table, ensure they won't dislocate their shoulders by securing their arms at their sides and running a line to keep their chest down.

When using a fucking machine (like the Motorbunny) with women, ensure the machine is stable and remains properly lubricated since you can't see the insertable part. Over-lubing and reapplying every 10 minutes or so is a good practice. For men, the same applies to motorized strokers, but visibility makes it easier to monitor for any issues.

What are the steps you take to force someone to orgasm?

Three main steps:

  1. Bondage (optional but enhances the experience)
  2. Stimulation (by hands, toys, or machines)
  3. Repeat

How do you know when to stop?

Most individuals communicate when they've had enough, and then I push a little harder. If they pass out, we stop. Years of experience have given me a sense of when someone is enjoying the sensations, when they are overstimulated, and when they are done.

What does your aftercare look like?

Aftercare varies. If someone has ridden a vibrator, their legs typically don't work, similar to a baby deer learning to walk. I may use a wheelchair to take them to their resting spot. Others need to lie down in place to recover. Men secrete prolactin after orgasm, causing drowsiness, so they may need to rest a bit. Sometimes, at a club, I might need to take someone home and pick them up the next day to return and get their car if they can't drive safely.

Any tips, tricks, precautions, or stories you’d like to share?

Forced orgasms can be intimidating in the BDSM community. While people may be comfortable with beatings, fire play, or needle play, an orgasm can feel more personal and intimidating. At tasting nights, many are uncomfortable with public orgasms, but those who try it often have a great time.

In the vanilla community, the term "forced" can imply non-consent, so I've had to rename classes to "effective orgasms" or "excessive orgasms" for some conventions. In the BDSM community, it's understood that consent is given through negotiation.

I enjoy sharing my passion for this type of play. In my local community, I'm known as the orgasm guy. I also teach classes on chastity, covering both extremes: too many orgasms and none at all.

To learn more about Jake and his presentations check him out here

RELATED ARTICLE: The Motorbunny Sex Machine Guide

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